Constitution and By-Laws
Ventura Senior Men's Group
(formerly Ventura Retired Men's Group)
Approved by the General Membership on September 5, 2023
ARTICLE I: Name, Purpose, and Limitations
Section A: The name of this group shall be Ventura Senior Men's Group.
Section B: The purpose of this group shall be to foster and promote good fellowship and citizenship among members through semi-monthly gatherings for luncheon and program.
Section C: This group does not sponsor any outside fund raising activity.
Section D: Racial, religious, political, gender, and sexual discussions in programs or open meetings are not allowed, so as to avoid controversy among members.
Section A: Eligibility- Membership shall be open to men who:
1. Are bona fide residents of Ventura County and are at least 50 years of age.
2. Are elected to membership by the Board of Directors on recommendation of the Vice President acting as the Membership Chairman.
3. Membership can be denied and members can be asked to resign by the Board of Directors on the basis of unruly behavior, repugnant practices, health issues likely to affect or infect other members, and non-conformance with prevailing laws and regulations of the community and meeting facilities.
4. Pay their dues as outlined in Section 8.
Section B: Fiscal year, Fees, Dues, and Assessments:
1. The fiscal year (annual period) shall be from January 1 through December 31.
2. Annual dues and initiation fees shall be in an amount recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by a voice vote of the membership voting at a general meeting. Dues are due the first meeting in January. Failure by a member to pay such annual dues on or before the first general meeting in March shall be grounds for termination of membership at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
3. Special Assessments against the membership may be made only on the recommendation of the Board of Directors and approved by a two-thirds vote of the Group members present at any general Group meeting.
4. All funds withdrawn shall be signed by the Treasurer or any other Board authorized signature.
Section A: Officers - The Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Program Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section B: Board of Directors - The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers, the Immediate Past President, and up to five additional members.
Section C: Elections
1. At the first general Group meeting in November the Board of Directors shall present a slate of nominees for the offices of President, Vice President, Program Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to five additional Directors. At that meeting the President shall call for additional nominations for any office.
2. At the last general Group meeting in November a voice vote shall be taken. The member receiving a majority of votes for each office shall be declared elected.
Section D: Term -The Officers and other Directors so elected shall be installed at the first general Group meeting in January. They shall serve 12 months and hold office until their successors have been elected and installed.
Section E: Vacancy- All interim Directors to fill vacancies shalt be appointed by the Board of Directors, and such appointees shall serve until the next general election.
Section A: President - It shall be the duty of the President to:
1. Preside at all general Group meetings.
2. Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
3. Appoint all committees with the approval of the Board of Directors.
4. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
5. Serve as the official spokesman for the Group.
6. Keep, manage, and update a calendar of Board tasks.
Section B: Vice President - It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:
1. In the absence of the President, perform all the duties of that office.
2. In the absence of the Program Chairman, perform all the duties of that office.
3. Act as Membership Chairman, keeping track of names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, date they joined, and sponsor if any.
4. Act as Health and Welfare chairman by contacting the ill and reporting on their status at the
next general Group meeting.
5. Act as Publicity Chairman
Section C: Program Chairman - It shall be the duty of the Program Chairman to:
1. In the absence of the Vice President, perform all the duties of that office.
2. Responsible for all arrangements for speakers or other entertainment, communicating with potential speakers.
Section D: Secretary- It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:
1. Record the minutes of the Board of Director meetings.
2. Send notices of meetings to all members.
3. Act as custodian of all records.
4. Maintain a directory of membership.
5. Serve without bond and receive compensation in an amount determined by the Board of Directors.
6. In the absence of the Treasurer, perform all duties of that office.
Section E: Treasurer - It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:
1. Deposit all funds in the bank, and conduct all other banking transactions.
2. Sign all checks. In case of emergency, other approved signatories can perform this function.
3. Prepare a financial plan for each 12 months and present to the Board of Directors for approval.
4. Submit a Financial Report for the prior month to the Board of Directors at the First general Board meeting each month.
5. Submit a verbal Financial Report to the general membership each 12 months or whenever requested by the Board of Directors. Make written reports available upon request.
6. Submit all of his records for review annually or whenever requested by the Board of Directors.
7. Withdraw funds and pay all budgeted expenses approved by the Board of Directors.
8. Serve without bond and receive compensation in an amount determined by the Board of Directors.
9. Maintain a record of dues paid and unpaid.
10. In the absence of the Secretary perform all duties of that office
Section F: Board of Directors- It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to:
1. . Transact all business of the Group and plan for the future.
2. . Approve all committees.
3. . Authorize disbursements of all money as set forth in Article IV Section E, Item 7, Treasurer duties.
4. . The President, Vice President, Program Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer shall maintain
records and appropriate guidelines for the smooth transition of responsibilities to succeeding officers.
Section A: General Group Meetings - The general meeting of this Group shall be the First and Third Tuesday of each month.
Section B: Board of Director Meetings - The Board of Directors shall hold a business meeting prior to the General Meeting on the First Tuesday of each month.
Section C: Special Meetings - The President may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors any time he deems it necessary.
Section D: Quorum - A quorum for the conduct of business at a Board of Director meeting shall consist of at least 50% of the members. In the case there is not a quorum present, the President may appoint any past president as a director pro tern for that meeting.
Section E: Parliamentary Authority- Robert's Rules of Orders.
Section A: Constitution and By-law Review-This Constitution should be reviewed every two years.
Section 8: Constitution and By-law Amendment - The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Group members present at any general Group meeting subsequent to the meeting at which the amendment was first read.
Submitted: , Vice President
Date -----
Submitted: __, President Date __________
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